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I Wish I Knew How Great of a Tool Meta (Facebook) Is

As a first-year in University, we are all worried about trying to meet new people, join clubs, and make connections with upper years. During the COVID pandemic, people had trouble reaching out, especially since meet-ups and in-person events were all prohibited. But through Facebook, many clubs and resources were able to reach out to first-year students like me, providing me with many opportunities.

As a business student, it is important to build relationships with business clubs and soft skills in order to progress in the business world. Thanks to Facebook, I was able to keep up with the club events, such as meeting with executive numbers through coffee chats, attending resume/networking workshops, as well as finding applications to executive teams. Many of these events happen during the summer, making it perfect for students to meet each other before the school year starts. I personally loved the people I have met at these events, with many of them reaching out to me to stay in touch and provide me with support/mentorship programs. These events can create a huge impact on your school year, meeting friends for life, just as I feel like I have already.

On top of club opportunities, there is a vast community that provides resources for each other, such as buying/selling textbooks, course information, and group chats depending on faculties. Wonder what textbooks you need to buy for a course? Looking for the best possible price for a textbook? Facebook has it all. There are amazing communities that are willing to help students save money by selling discounted or even accessing free online versions of textbooks. Save that extra money for a university essential that you need much more, such as food or clothing.

Another great Facebook resource is the group chats for university/college courses. Students are willing to help each other out by reminding when assignments are due, helping each other with homework, and giving advice on the course. Many upper years in these groups are willing to guide us first-years to success! Don’t be shy to reach out to these people, as they have been in your shoes being new to university/college at one point. Upper years love to give back, as they were once guided by other upper years when they were fresh to university/college.

I cannot stress how thankful I am for Facebook, as it has made my first week at Western University much more manageable. I have made many friends, relationships with clubs, as well as created the opportunity to further my career.

Some of the groups you should join if you go to Western University!

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